
Analysis 0 Comments

Sector Analysis Series: Solution for Current Account Deficit is in Agriculture

Contrary to the added value of agriculture in Turkey, imports and exports follow a negative course. Regardless of the level of development of the country, the impact of agricultural production

Analysis 0 Comments

Sector Analysis Series: The Bad Year of Tourism

In the third quarter of 2016, the tourism sector declined by 40.5 percent to 5.8 billion TL from 9.9 billion TL by 2015. The tourism sector is one of the

Refugee Entrepreneurship

Opportunities and Challenges for Syrian Entrepreneurs in Turkey: Presentation at 2nd MDE Conference 2016

The conference was attended by Muhammad Moiz from the Economists’ Association. The results of the research on Syrian Entrepreneurs were presented at the 2nd Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship Conference in

Refugee Entrepreneurship

Refugee Entrepreneurship Project Concept

Purpose and Aims: The project on Syrian entrepreneurs is undertaken due to a large number of Syrian entrepreneurs in Turkey.  Over 5,000 new businesses have been established in Turkey since